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Join the IRCS

See the contact page for a link to contact the club for membership paperwork and instructions:

I.R.C.S membership provides the opportunity to have questions answered by experienced modelers and learn to fly with one-on-one personalized instruction on a dedicated beginners night (Monday) each week. During the winter, I.R.C.S members fly indoors at the Lehman Alternative Community School gym. Visiting the indoor flying activity is a good way to meet club members and learn more about radio controlled flight.

For experienced modelers

Membership also provides expert technical advice in all phases of RC modeling. Experienced modelers also benefit from an I.R.C.S. membership by interacting with the wide array of expertise present in the club’s diverse membership. All members whatever their skill level have unlimited access to one of the finest flying fields available in central NY.



Student    19 and under  $25
Adult (Includes Senior)   $60



The Ithaca Radio Control Society encourages safe practices both at the field and in the modeler’s shop. The club follows and enforces the safety recommendations as set forth in the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Safety Code for safe practices when operating model aircraft of all types. Safety recommendations are discussed at each club meeting. For more information about the AMA follow this link:

Click on the link below for a printable application form.

Membership Application


Mail the completed form with your payment to:
Dave McKenna - Treasurer
319 Douglas Rd.
Newfield, NY 14867

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