Ithaca Radio Control Society
We are a diverse group of model aviation enthusiasts with many years of experience in the sport of radio controlled model aircraft. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm on Zoom, and we are in the process of setting up a new flying site 10 minutes west of Ithaca, NY in the town of Enfield. We fly Saturday mornings (weather permitting) beginning at 10:00 am, and other days as schedules permit. Explore our site to learn more about who we are and what we do!
Beginners with a love of RC aviation are always welcome at the club. Even if you do not yet own an aircraft yet, you are welcome to come check out the field on a Saturday morning and learn what it is all about. We have experienced pilots available for instruction on RC aircraft, helicopters and drones. There is a wealth of knowledge available in the club to help with any troubleshooting issues you might have. One-on-one training is available for novices.

Our Flying Field
Entrance on S. Applegate Rd. - 400 feet south of Rt. 79